I have decided to start a new section on my web site. In it, I hope to show and explain problems I see in my community. My hope is that the right people will find this information, then act on it. Often, a problem is best explained with pictures. I'll try to document the problem in this section, then ask the people that can help to check out the page. If you see a small picture, click on it to see it full size. I grew up reading Action Line in the Miami Herald every morning. It was nice to see that ordinary people could write or call in somewhere and get something done about a problem. This is my personal Action Line. I'll post the problems here, maybe direct people to the page, and maybe they'll do something about it. They aren't required to come here to read my postings, but maybe they will. Since I'm technical, many of these problems will be about technical issues I see every day. Some might seem minor, but they bug me because they almost always cost us money in some way. I hate to see waste. If your company or organization is cited here, I really would like to hear from you. e-mail me at ray (the at thing) rayvaughan (the dot thing) com. When I see a solution, I'll post it here too to show that you heard and took action. This isn't going to be about embarrassment. It's about getting information to the right people. I may not know who to notify about some problems. If you know who should know about one of these, please let the know along with a link to the web page. Sometimes I'll be wrong. Sometimes there's a perfectly logical explanation that I didn't understand. I'll do my best to post my errors too. But I'll also let everyone know when your answer sounds like an excuse rather than an better answer. And then there's going to be the cases of 'yeah, we know... so what?'. Those will be the ones I'll have to take to higher authorities. Regulators, mayors, legislators... what ever it takes. Please take a look around and see what bugs me. Ray |